Books and Editing
Ludified, Volume 1: Artistic Research in Audiovisual Composition, Performance and Perception.
Marko Ciciliani, Barbara Lüneburg, Andreas Pirchner
Berlin: The Green Box,  2021.
ISBN 978-3-96216-004-3
Ludified, Volume 2: Game Elements in Marko Ciciliani’s Audiovisual Works.
Marko Ciciliani, Barbara Lüneburg, Andreas Pirchner
Berlin: The Green Box,  2021.
ISBN 978-3-96216-004-3

Publisher The Green Box: [Link]
Project page GAPPP [Link]
Review Ludified [Link]
Interview with music austria [Link]

The Body is the Message.
music | media | publishing, Band 2.
Beate Flath, Andreas Pirchner, Elisabeth Pölzl, Susanne Sackl.
Grazer Universitätsverlag, 2012
music media publishing [Link]
All You Need is Image?!
music | media | publishing, Band 1.
Beate Flath, Andreas Pirchner, Elisabeth Pölzl, Susanne Sackl.
Grazer Universitätsverlag, 2010
music media publishing [Link]
Papers, Essays, Chapters and Proceedings

Pirchner, Andreas (2023): “Entangled Realities. Emerging Performances of Relating Humans, Sonatars, and Spaces”. LEONARDO 56, no. 1, pp. 64–69. View Abstract at MIT Press Download PDF

Pirchner, Andreas (2021): “Investigating Audience Experience”. In: M. Ciciliani, B. Lüneburg, A. Pirchner (Eds.), Ludified, Volume 2: Game Elements in Marko Ciciliani’s Audiovisual Works. Berlin: The Green Box. pp. 41– 67. View Ludified at Green Box

Pirchner, Andreas (2021):  “The Real-Time Score of Anna & Marie: Ergodic and Emergent Qualities”. In: M. Ciciliani, B. Lüneburg, A. Pirchner (Eds.), Ludified, Volume 2: Game Elements in Marko Ciciliani’s Audiovisual Works. Berlin: The Green Box, pp. 127–144. View Ludified at Green Box

Pirchner, Andreas (2020): “Ergodic and Emergent Qualities of Real-Time Scores. Anna & Marie and Gamified Audiovisual Compositions”. Proceedings of the International Conference on Technologies for Music Notation and Representation. TENOR’20, Hamburg, Germany, University for Music and Theater, pp. 189–197. Download PDF

Pirchner, Andreas (2019): “On audience perception in gamified audiovisual performances”. In: DiGRA ’19 – Proceedings of the 2019 DiGRA International Conference: Game, Play and the Emerging Ludo-Mix, Kyoto, Japan. Download PDF
Pirchner, Andreas (2019): “IRMA (Interactive Real-time Measurement of Attention). A method for the investigation of audiovisual computer music performances”. Proceedings of the 2019 International Computer Music Conference, NYU, New York, USA. Download PDF
Pirchner, Andreas (2013): “Filmmusik: Spuren des musikalischen Autonomiegedankens”. In: M. Sharif, S. Sackl (eds.), Jenseits von Hören und Sehen. Zur Ästhetik audiovisueller Medien. Beiträge zur Medienästhetik der Musik, Band 13, Osnabrück: epos music, pp. 35–49. Download PDF
Pirchner, Andreas (2013):  “Ãœber das Zufällige in der Musik”. In: G. Malli, J. Moser, J. Rolshoven, C. Rückert, A. Schrutka-Rechtenstamm (eds), Kuckuck. Notizen zur Alltagskultur 13,1 (2013), Zufall,  pp. 34–38. Download
Pirchner, Andreas (2012). “hack yourself – hack your self. Möglichkeiten von Image und Identität im virtuellen Raum”. In:  B. Flath, A. Pirchner,  E. Pölzl, S. Sackl, All You Need is Image?! music | media | publishing, Band 1. Graz: Leykam Buchverlag, 2010, pp. 53–61. Download
Recent Talks and Presentations
“Produktive Zwischenwelten künstlerisch-wissenschaftlicher Praktiken der Musik-
Jahrestagung Gesellschaft für Musikforschung, 
Cologne/Germany, 11.–14. September 2024.

“Situatedness and Experiment in Music Research”
Meeting of the Vienna Network of Music and Cognition Research (ViNoMaRe), 
Vienna/Austria, 6. Juni 2024.

“Towards the Unknown in Art: Generative Approaches”,
Print Fest, Academy of Fine Arts, 
Vienna/Austria, 8.–11. Mai 2024.

 22. November 2021
ASM – The American School of Marrakesh, Morocco.
“Challenging Audiences”
PARL-Platform for Art and Research Linz, 5. November 2021
Anton Bruckner Private University Linz, Austria. [Link]
“Entangled Realities in Ergodic Musical VR-Performances”
Indeterminate Futures / The Future of Indeterminacy, 13–15 November 2020
University of Dundee, Dundee, Scotland.
Programme and Abstracts: [Link]
“Ergodic and Emergent Qualities of Real-Time Scores. Anna & Marie and Gamified Audiovisual Compositions”
6th International Conference on Technologies for Music Notation and Representation (TENOR)
Hamburg University of Music and Drama, Hamburg, Germany.
Proceedings [Link]
“On audience perception in gamified audiovisual performances”
Conference of the Digital Games Research Association, DIGRA 2019. Game, Play and the Emerging Ludo-Mix.
August 6-10, 2019.
Ritsumeikan University Kinugasa Campus, Kyoto, Japan.
Programme and Abstracts: [Link]
“IRMA (Interactive Real-time Measurement of Attention). A method for the investigation of audiovisual computer music performances.”
International Computer Music Conference, ICMC 2019
New York University,  New York, USA.
“Messapparate als materielle Diskurspraktiken”
Signale Soirée
Institute of Electronic Music and Acoustics, Graz, Austria.
Programme and Abstracts: [Link]
“Materialistic aesthetics in musical VR-performances.”
Symposium Music and Materialisms
23rd February 2019
Kingston University, London, UK.
Programme and Abstracts: [Link]
Peer Reviewer / Editor

Peer Reviewer: Journal of Sound and Music in Games, 2021 

Editor: Ludified, Volume 1: Artistic Research in Audiovisual Composition, Performance and Perception. With  Marko Ciciliani and Barbara Lüneburg. 2021.
Editor: Ludified, Volume 2: Game Elements in Marko Ciciliani’s Audiovisual Works. With  Marko Ciciliani and Barbara Lüneburg. 2021.
Peer Reviewer: CHI PLAY. November 2 – 5, 2020 Ottawa, Canada (Virtual).
Editor: The Body is the Message. music | media | publishing, Band 2.
With Beate Flath, Andreas Pirchner, Elisabeth Pölzl, Susanne Sackl. 2012
Editor: All You Need is Image?! music | media | publishing, Band 1.
With Beate Flath, Andreas Pirchner, Elisabeth Pölzl, Susanne Sackl. 2010.
Organizing Symposia
“Gamified Composition and Performance – a Symposium in Artistic Research” (2019). Mumuth, University of Music and Performing Arts Graz. March 29-31, 2019. 
More information: Project website [Link], Research Catalogue [Link]
“Exploring Formats, Enriching Practice. A Research Event” (2018)
Mumuth, University of Music and Performing Arts Graz. October 12-13, 2018. Symposium website: [Link]

Teaching and Course Material

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Creative Programming
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Andreas Pirchner

Andreas Pirchner (Stuttgart) is a musicologist, designer, and programmer engaged in contemporary audiovisual art forms involving intersections of art and science. He is particularly interested in theoretical and practical approaches towards generative and algorithmic music or design.

In his scientific research, Pirchner investigates empirical methods and aesthetics of audiovisual art. He has published on contemporary electro-acoustic music, the history of film music, Xenakis’ stochastic methods, and research of audience perception. He gave lectures about researching gamified audiovisual performances at conferences in New York and Kyoto.

Recently he worked as a researcher in the FWF founded project of artistic research “Gamified Audiovisual Performance and Performance Practice – GAPPP.” [Link]

In his visual work, he is strongly focused on exploring generative, algorithmic, and data-driven forms of design. He is responsible for the visual communication of the Austrian Museums Association.

Pirchner is currently working on his Ph.D. in Sound and Music Computing at the Institute of Electronic Music and Acoustics [Link], Graz. Since 2016 he teaches Creative Programming at Institute Art and Education [Link] at the University of Art and Design Linz and since 2011 Media Technology and Design at  Höhere Technische Lehranstalt Ortweinschule [Link] Graz. Pirchner currently lives and works in Austria, although he might be seen in Lisbon.

Research Gate [Link], The Green Box [Link], music austria [Link], GitHub [Link], behance [Link], design austria [Link], LinkedIn [Link], XING [Link]